I would bet that there are many people out there that use Android smartphones and have gobs of music on an iTunes account that they would like to get on their Android device. If you are one of these folks a new app from ParkVu has surfaced called Music WithMe that will allow you to access your iTunes playlists on Android devices.
The app works over a WiFi connection or a mobile data connection and promises a seamless listening experience to your iTunes tracks. The app downloads playlists from iTunes directly to the smartphone. Once the playlists are downloaded, a data or network connection is no longer needed.
That means you can save battery life and still rock to your own music when you are somewhere that a connection can’t reach you. The user is able to select the playlists specifically that they want to download to the Android device. The app is on the Android Market right now for $14.99 and you can get a free 30-day trial.