We often find ourselves complaining about apps that arrive first for iOS and then much later for Android. Well, today we have a time when the opposite has happened. Yes, Android Community is writing about an iOS app. But, that app just so happens to be for Google Glass, so there is room for exception here.
The app is MyGlass and it brings the full range of features that Google Glass users with Android have already gotten familiar with. To begin with, the MyGlass for iOS app is available by way of the iOS App Store. For now the app will run on the iPhone and iPad, however it has not been optimized for the tablet. And essentially, this app release removes the need for iOS users to configure their Glass using a web app.
The MyGlass for iOS app offers the ability to activate many of the Google branded Glassware apps such as Gmail, Google Search and Google+. Users will also be able to take advantage of the Maps functionality including the ability to locate a missing device. Well, to pinpoint a missing device to where it was last seen using Glass.
The app also allows for mirroring. Here iOS users will be able to mirror what they are seeing through Glass on the display of the iPhone. While use cases will vary, this mirroring option does make it a bit easier to show others what it is like using Google Glass. All said and done, it appears iOS users now have a MyGlass companion app that matches what Android users have in terms of features and functionality.
[Update] Looks like something may have happened, it seems Google and/or Apple has pulled the app from the store.