Amazon is updating their FreeTime program, which allows for parents to set limits on how much their kids use a Kindle device. The update brings a method for encouraging education prior to play, even allowing parents to set goals kids have to reach before enjoying games or other apps. It promises to be a huge selling feature this holiday season, along with another interesting tidbit that may help those on the fence onto the Kindle side of things.
With Learn First, all non-educational content is disabled from FreeTime until preset goals are met. It’s a great way to make sure kids learn how to spell, read, or accomplish any other learning goals parents have for their kids before enjoying Angry Birds or another fun game. Parents also have the ability to further set time limits for Weekend or Weekday activity.
With the subscription FreeTime Unlimited, educational content is also being expanded. Core level reading material is being added, much of which is available for the first time in digital format. Amazon is also noting that many titles will be available in time for Christmas, too.
Kids will also get the ability to loan books via FreeTime. Additionally, those with Prime memberships and access to the Kindle Lending Library can add those books on FreeTime as well. All in all, this means kids will learn first, play second, and be responsible for their growing library of content.
If that wasn’t enough, Amazon has also knocked down the price of their Kindle tablets. The price reduction, which is only available today, brings the Kindle Fire HDX 16GB 7-inch down to $182.20 from $229, and the larger 8.9-inch 16GB model down to $229 from $269. Lower cost, additional content, and more ways for parents to make sure their kids are learning first and playing second. We’re fans of that.