The makers of the one of if not the most popular custom Android ROM is proceeding full steam ahead with its transition to an Android 4.4 codebase. Now it has activated the nightly builds for devices that can support CyanogenMod 11.
Last week, the CyanogenMod team announced the first CyanogenMod 11 snapshot, CyanogenMod 11 M1. This snapshot, however, was limited only to more recent Nexus devices. The team did promise that it will soon be enabling nightly builds, and now its announcing which supported devices will fall under which CyanogenMod version. This list accounts for all 156 officially supported devices compatible with CyanogenMod 10.0 and higher.
Dozens of devices, including the Galaxy Nexus, will be receiving nightly builds of CyanogenMod 11, which is based on Android 4.4. But even more than that, Android 4.4.1, which has just started rolling out to Nexus devices, is already being merged into the codebase. This means that the next round of nightly builds will soon include the latest maintenance update as well. Unfortunately, this announcement also spells the end of nightly builds for devices running CyanogenMod 9 or older, to give way to CM 10.2 and CM 11.
The list of devices, which you can read from the source link below, is not yet exhaustive nor is it final. Some devices under CyanogenMod 10.2 are expected to move up to CyanogenMod 11 over the next few weeks. Nightlies are, of course, considered to be raw versions, so they should be installed and used with care and a bit of knowledge of the risks involved.
SOURCE: CyanogenMod