Details of an upcoming Xperia branded handset have leaked. The device is the Sony Xperia C670X and it looks like we are talking about a handset that will be available sometime this summer. Of course, that timeline, along with the specs have yet to be confirmed by Sony. In other words, we are talking unconfirmed details so make sure and treat them as such.

That warning out of the way, lets get into the specs for the Xperia C670X. The handset should arrive with a 4.8-inch Full HD display at 1920 x 1080 and with a quad-core 1.8GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 processor, Adreno 320 graphics, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Additionally, the handset should have a 13 megapixel Exmor RS camera and arrive with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

Aside from the specs, this leak also came with an image, which can be seen below. The catch with the image, there is some uncertainly as to whether this is a stock image that is used by Sony, or a render of the Xperia C670X. Assuming this is a render of the device, we can see the expected goodies such the notification light, sensors (proximity and light) and front-facing camera. We have yet to learn any details on the front camera though.


Otherwise, we are obviously still in need of some finer details. Or perhaps more important, some official details. You know, the goodies such as when the handset will be released, how much it will cost and which carriers will be offering it. While we wait for those, it seems to go without saying that additional leaks and rumors for the Xperia C670X will surface.

[via Xperia Blog]



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