Android is a train that just won’t stop. Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all, but it’s still impressive to see it as it rushes through numbers. And sales. A recent report from Nielson stated that Android was in top shape, actually surpassing the iPhone in quarterly sales. However, a new, supporting report from the NPD Group shows that not only did Android surpass iOS, but it also managed to top Research In Motion’s BlackBerry platform.
There’s one point to take away from this, though. The NPD Group’s report is based on purely consumer sales, and doesn’t include corporate or enterprise purchases. And, even if Android is starting to make some headway in that landscape, that’s still RIM’s market. But let’s just get into the numbers, shall we? Based on the stats, it looks like 33% of consumers chose the Android mobile Operating System as their OS of choice, while 28% chose BlackBerry, and 22% chose the iPhone. Noteworthy, is the fact that Motorola’s Droid took the lead for most sold Android device, while the HTC Droid Incredible, HTC EVO 4G, HTC Hero, and HTC Droid Eris filled out the rest.
[via NPD Group]