Viber has made a name for itself as the messaging app of choice for a lot of friends and even businesses as it has features that can both be used for leisure and for work. But what if it wants to play around more and even take on other “more fun” messaging apps like Snapchat? Well the solution is to create a stand-alone (sort of and more on that later) app called Viber Wink that is focused on creating ephemeral experiences for your messaging friends.
So yes, basically, the app is a copy of all those apps out there, with Snapchat being the instigator of course, that want your loved ones (or even just mere acquaintances or “strangers”) to just briefly see what it is that you sent to them. You take a photo or video, then choose how long the recipient can see it, which can be as short as 1 second and as long as, well, no time limit (although that would defeat the purpose right?). Once you’ve set all that up, then you can send it to any of your viber friends and once the 1 or 3 or 7 or 10 seconds are up, then the photo or video will disappear.
While it is a stand-alone app, meaning you need to download the Viber Wink app, you need to actually have Viber installed in your smartphone to be able to use this app. Now with a lot of ephemeral apps out there, why should you add another one? Well if you want to keep your messaging life simpler, or if majority of your contacts are on Viber anyways, then this will be your best bet if you want to play around.
You can download Viber Wink from the Google Play Store for free. It requires that you have Viber version 5.7 installed on your smartphone for it to work.