Every smartphone platform on the market is susceptible to malware and viruses. The Android platform is perhaps more successful due to its broad use and the fact that users are able to download and install apps from third-party application stores. This is one of the reasons why Android has more malware than any other platform.
That means that many Android users are very concerned with security and keeping their device free from viruses and malware. Trend Micro has announced the launch of the new mobile security application called Mobile Security 3.0. The app is designed for Android devices alone and is able to scan apps that users have downloaded from malware.
The application also allows users to remotely locate, lock, and wipe data from the smartphone or tablet if the device is lost or stolen. Users wanting to back up data including contacts, text messages, and media to the cloud from the device will have to use Trend Micro’s Mobile Backup and Restore application. Backup functionality is not included in the security app, but there is a link to the backup application.
Trend Micro also has another app that was recently launched called Privacy Scanner. This app makes it easy to manage Facebook privacy controls and making recommendations and allowing users to change Facebook settings immediately to keep their personal information protected. Mobile Security 3.0 has links that will take users directly to the Play store to download Privacy Scanner Beta and the Mobile Backup application.
[via CNET]