TiVo has noticed that a lot of homes are accepting digital voice assistants like Google Home and Alexa into their lives, allowing those devices to make their homes and tasks smarter – and it wants in. The DVR company has just announced that integration with these two digital voice assistants is on the way for TiVo products, allowing you to consume your DVR content in better ways.

The basic and most noticeable feature once these integrations arrive for TiVo is controlling playback through voice commands, and most people who own a Google Home or Amazon Echo already know how to do that. The learning curve is not that steep, and TiVo feels it is time to jump onto that specific bandwagon.

But TiVo wants to take things a bit deeper than voice-controlled playback. Specifically, TiVo is looking to make use of IFTTT functionality, both available on Alexa and Google Assistant. TiVo mentions some examples like detecting commercials and automatically skipping them, or automatically turning on to your regular weeknight sports channel when you get home. With IFTTT, the possibilities with TiVo go beyond just the convenience of voice controls to deeper, more relevant AI-powered tasks.

TiVo announced that smart home integration with Alexa and Google Assistant will make a lot of the features you already use with their devices better. As of now though, there is no mention yet of when these integrations will roll out.



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