If you use Skype for business or personal purposes and you’re a native speaker of Arabic or Hebrew or you deal with people who are, then you might want to update your app to the latest version. The communication app has announced that they are now including language support for these two right-to-left scripts with the latest update to their Android app. It will also include some general improvements and fixes for those who will not be able to fully utilize this language support.
Adding Arabic and Hebrew support in Skype also means that it’s the first time they’ve added native right-to-left languages. And it’s not just a simple case of them mirroring their existing left-to-right UIs, as most apps just do this to simplify the process. What Microsoft has done here is to painstakingly recreate every transition animation as well as optimized their navigation so that the right-to-left user experience would be seamless and natural.
Skype has also promised that they will be releasing more languages that have right-to-left script as well. This may include support for Syriac, Samaritan, Mandaic, as well as languages from some African nations like Mende Kikakui, N’Ko, and Adlam. These may not be major languages, but having an app that supports these languages,is pretty important.
If you already have Arabic or Hebre set as the default language of your device, just update Skype to its latest version, 7.05, and then the next time you sign in, switch to your device OS language. This update also brings the latest improvements, specifically in the call quality and performance areas.