Sharp is one of the bigger makers of displays for smartphones and other devices on the market today. The company has announced that it has adopted IGZO technology and that adoption has resulted in a new display that is 4.1-inches in size and has a very high pixel density of 736ppi.
For comparison, the pixel density of the Galaxy Note Edge is 525ppi. Sharp is aiming to have 4K IGZO panels for smartphones on the market around 2016 using this same high pixel density technology. 4.1-inches is small for a smartphone screen these days, typical screen size hovers around the 4.7-inch mark.
Sharp is working to scale the size of the screen up and keep the high pixel density right now. The goal is to produce a 6-inch screen with 4K resolution and 736ppi in the future. That would be a very nice smartphone screen indeed.
Sharp plans to build a second factory for the production of 4K IGZO panels for smartphones and tablets in Kameyama. Exactly when that second factory will be ready to roll is unknown.
SOURCE: Impress
Nice too see the advancement however we really need way more breakthroughs in battery and gpu tech.
Just want the doctor order for the next iPhone 6S 4.7″ model!