Custom ROMs are part of what makes Android awesome, and there’s a sufficient variety to satiate everyone. Well… almost everyone. Have you ever wanted to remove certain features from a ROM before even installing it, making for a lean, mean software machine? If you’re a user of the popular CyanogenMod family of custom ROMs, now you can, with a new compiler tool from XDA member “lithid-cm”. The Cyanogenmod Compiler (“CMC”) allows almost anyone to pick and chose from a variety of CyanogenMod features and compile their own ROM on your computer – no supermodder skills required.
The tool is still in the early stages, and if you’re not comfortable with a command line, odds are that you’ll feel a little lost. But anyone who knows their way around ADB commands can probably figure it out. Imagine it as sort of an Easy-Bake Oven for the casual modder. The tool automatically downloads the source code from the latest version of CyanogenMod 7 or 9 (Ice Cream Sandwich), then allows the user to select their make and model phone. To save space, you can remove unwanted languages, live wallpaper, and apply your own CyanogenMod-compatible theme, if you wish. You can then name your creation (please be tasteful folks – I’m tired of seeing crazy ROM names) then sit back and wait for it to output. This could take a while.
Finally, you can push your ROM to your device over ADB. The developer has big plans for this little tool, and if initial reaction is anything to go by it could become a very big part of the vibrant CyanogenMod community. A number of enhancements are already in the works, like a true installer, automatic updater and a plug-in system. It’s all a bit shaky in the initial release, but very promising. What are you waiting for? Go download it and start cooking your own ROMs already.
Thanks, J0hn!
Welp, time to get out my tablet! Get ready, we’re gonna see tones of homebew Cyanogenmod [insert name here] Editions.