Looks like Nathan from TheEBookReader has his claws dug in deep on a sweet little number by the name of PocketBook IQ, an Android based tablet/ereader that runs Android 2.0 and will be able to upgrade eventually to 2.2. First, and maybe most important, he lets us know that this particular ereader allows you to install 3rd party apps out of the box, which rocks. On the other hand, this PocketBook IQ does not have direct access to Android Market, which means you’ll have to take another couple of steps to get Google-approved applications.
This PocketBook IQ appears to have a responsive and accurate resistive touchscreen, a solid metal casing (making it heavy enough to need two hands to hold), and works as an ereader for those who aren’t hardcore enough to want the most excellent E Ink (which this does not have). Nathan installs Opera mini and it seems to work just super, notes that although Android 2.0 doesn’t support flash, an upgrade to 2.2 will fix that, and that this tab rocks the house for a mere $140. Take a peek at the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=width=”600px” height=”300px”5jBm0LLkX1Y[/youtube]
[Via TheEBookReader]