A new freeware app makes tethering the G1 to a PC or laptop straightforward, without requiring that users hack the Android firmware or have root access. PdaNet allows a USB-connected Android cellphone to work as a tethered modem – with either cellular or WiFi data – with a single click.
Currently in beta stage, and available for Windows users (together with a 64-bit Vista version), the app reportedly works well. PdaNet is already available in Palm OS, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and iPhone versions.
Of course, while this is technically possible, it could very well contravene the terms & conditions of whichever carrier is providing 3G data access for your G1. It’s worth checking the small print to see what limitations on tethering there are in your cellphone contract.
This is NOT totally free! You still have to pay if you want to access your email accounts, bamking, or any site that is a secure site. You can’t even register on other sites if you need to.
about $15 but totally worth it if you don’t want to root your phone. I’ve yet to have an issue. I doesn’t like it when a browser is open while connecting, so exit out and try again. I have mine connecting on hook-up and its way faster than I thought, around 800-900 mb/s. good enough for youtube and all that
I can’t seem to get my PDA Net to work with my Android, everytime I try to connect the two it takes me to Verizon’s V-Cast Page for downloading desktop appliction. Is there a way around this so I don’t have to purchase the monthly feed cable and service? I do want to use it to get my email and surf the web.