PlayStation’s official blog has announced today that they’ll be releasing an official PlayStation application for both Android handsets (with a minimum of Android 1.6) and iOS with version 4 and above.) In this first version of the app you’ll be able to check out for PlayStation Network trophies, keep up with your friends games and online statuses, browse the whole PlayStation 3, PSP, and PlayStation 2 catalog and news, read all sorts of announcements from the European PlayStation Blog, and share products and news bits you find interesting with friends through Facebook, Twitter, and email.
This first version will be available only in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and The Netherlands. PlayStation says they’re already working on the next version that’ll support most SCEE countries and languages and will also allow you to comment on PlayStation’s Euro blog. This app will be coming out within the next few months, with more details and features being announced as the day gets closer. And it’ll be FREE.
[Via PlayStation Blog]