If you’re buying a new smartphone, but think all of the new devices out there have basically the same specs anyway, what’s the next thing that you look at when making a decision? If it’s how fast they push updates on their devices, then you might want to take a look at this report released by Apteligent, which takes a look at what are the best devices to purchase based on “their history of OS update speeds and crash reports”.
The main purpose of the report is to help people figure out which is the best device to purchase for the upcoming holiday gift giving and “gift for yourself” buying season, if you’re into the Android persuasion. They analyzed the various OEMs’ crash rate, speed of updating to the latest version, and even fragmentation and a regional breakdown of that device fragmentation. It benchmarks “tens of thousands of mobile apps” that represent hundreds of millions of app launches.
The highlights of the report shows that Motorola is the manufacturer that puts out the updates the fastest, while it placed second when it comes to lowest overall crash rate. Sony devices have the lowest, when it comes to large apps. Russia has the worst Android device fragmentation and it took 230 devices to be able to reach to reach the benchmark, which is 90% of device usage.
So which device are they recommending for a holiday purchase, based on all the data they collected in July 2016? It’s a toss between the supposed upcoming Nexus devices from HTC or a Motorola smartphone. To read the full report, click here.
SOURCE: Apteligent
Doesn’t really seem like Moto is the fastest anymore–only 2 small security patch updates to their previous flagship (Moto X Pure XT1575) in 2016–and still no Android 6.0.1.