According to a recent study, students who have had their smartphones taken away from them for even a few hours will begin to suffer from withdrawal symptoms that may rival those of smokers or even drug addicts. The study, which focused on young people aged 17-23 in ten countries around the world found that 79 per cent of students who volunteered for a complete media blackout from cellphones, computers and the internet, social networks and even television experienced reactions ranging from distress to confusion and isolation. Students were allowed to use the phone, read, and even have one on one conversations, but found it difficult initially due to feelings of withdrawal.
“I am an addict. I don’t need alcohol, cocaine or any other derailing form of social depravity,” said one British participant, “Media is my drug; without it I was lost.”
Researchers say the result of the symptoms could be due to the fact that the principal subjects of the study, 17-23 year-olds, have grown up wired and live their lives more online than they do interacting in the real world. So the real world applications of interacting face to face is more foreign to them than engaging online. Many students experienced feelings of confusion, being isolated, and even felt like a failure without their gadgets keeping them plugged in. And many, who have wanted to disengaged from the gadgets that control their lives, fear to do so because of peer pressure, worrying that disconnecting will lead to ostracizing from friends.
But the good news is that students in the study who engaged in one on one conversations during the studies found them to be far more in depth and fulfilling than the chats provided by social media threads. And it’s not surprising considering regular conversations don’t have a 140 character limit and talking face to face actually requires a person to stay attentive. But if one isn’t used to personal interaction, such face to face attention may initially cause insecure feelings. Additionally, personal interaction means a person is far less likely to be blunt or even rude in their reactions, or are less likely to be verbally critical in a conversation.
[via UK Daily Mail]
“With Drawl?” there’s an A missing Mr. Deruvo.
Then what is the solution for this problem!!..
Most bloggers suffer from illiteracy, made-up word in title proves.
Wait……they took away the cellphones, computers, and televisions? EVERYTHING? Heck, I haven’t been a student for 40 years, and -I- would suffer greatly without some of these so-called “gadgets”. Televisions and computers are NOT unnecessary novelties and haven’t been for DECADES. Who wrote this, and what planet did he come from? Same one as those researchers, obviously……
Wait……they took away the cellphones, computers, and televisions? EVERYTHING? Heck, I haven’t been a student for 40 years, and -I- would suffer greatly without some of these so-called “gadgets”. Televisions and computers are NOT unnecessary novelties and haven’t been for DECADES. Who wrote this, and what planet did he come from? Same one as those researchers, obviously……
Yeah i think i’d be the same as these students. I wouldn’t like my phone etc being taken from me, i’d feel a bit naked.
Marine Recruits go 3 months without electronics. After 15 years of technology I didn’t go through any withdraw.