With the release of Froyo today I see there are a few of you that don’t understand how to get it. Well there is three different ways you can get Froyo now other than waiting for the official OTA and I will guide you through all of them.
Let’s start off with the easiest way to get Froyo. If you’re running on stock firmware all you have to do is download the update from here.
1. Once it’s downloaded, rename it update.zip. Make sure you don’t name it update.zip.zip
2. Place the file in the root of your SD card.
3. Turn on your phone while holding power + trackball, this will take you to the bootloader.
4. In the bootloader press the power button.
5. Press volume down to highlight the recovery option.
6. When you see the triangle with an exclamation point symbol, press the Power and Volume Up buttons at the same time.
7. From the menu that appears, select Apply sdcard: update.zip.
8. When you get the prompt that says update successful, select reboot and enjoy Froyo.
For you folks who already have root, it’s even easier to get Froyo then the stock people. Thanks to Madoco all you have to do is download his premade ROM and flash it in your custom recovery like you always flash anything.
1. Download the file here.
2. Place the file in the root of your SD card.
3. Turn on your phone while holding power + trackball, this will take you to the bootloader.
4. In the bootloader press the power button.
5. Press volume down to highlight the recovery option then press the power button.
6. Select flash any.zip and choose the file you downloaded above.
7. When it’s done successfully select reboot and enjoy Froyo.
Now it’s time for the hardest way to get Froyo. This is for you rooted folks that want to unroot, get Froyo and root again. This is the hardest way and it is not recommended for novice users.
1. Unroot using this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=614850
2. Make sure you fastboot the stock recovery, it’s included in the guide above.
3. Download Froyo here.
4. Once it’s downloaded, rename it update.zip. Make sure you don’t name it update.zip.zip
5. Place the file in the root of your SD card.
6. Turn on your phone while holding power + trackball, this will take you to the bootloader.
7. In the bootloader press the power button.
8. Press volume down to highlight the recovery option then press the power button.
9. When you see the triangle with an exclamation point symbol, press the Power and Volume Up buttons at the same time.
10. From the menu that appears, select Apply sdcard: update.zip.
11. Reboot device.
12. Download Cyan’s root patch here.
13. Download Amon Ra’s recovery here.
14. Place it in the tools folder of your SDK.
15. Boot into fastboot mode by powering on the device while holding the trackball.
16. Run fastboot devices to make sure your computer can see your phone.
17. Run fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-nexus-v1.7.0.img
18. Run fastboot reboot recovery to get to the new recovery.
19. Select update any from recovery.
20. Select Cyan’s root patch you downloaded in step 12.
21. When it’s done, reboot and you now have Froyo with root the hard way