After 11 years and 13.6 million GBP, the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) program has finally reached the end of its study. In its final report, the researchers have indicated that there was no scientific evidence linking mobile phone use with an increased risk in cancer.
The history of mobile phones was punctuated by a period of fear that the emissions from both mobile phones and base stations would have adverse effects on health. In particular, there were theories that prolonged exposure to this kind of radiation could induce cancer in the user as well as unborn children of pregnant mobile phone users. Those who have been keeping tabs on the industry long enough might remember the proliferation of some devices or even stickers in the market that claim the ability to reduce such emissions.
That atmosphere of fear and uncertainty led to the establishment of the MTHR program. The independent research program was funded by both the UK government and telecommunications companies, so some might question the impartiality of the research. However, the MTHR was also overseen by an independent committee to ensure no bias comes from those financial sources.
The conclusion of the study echoes what most have already heard time and time again. They could not find any evidence of increased health risks from exposure to those suspected radio waves. However, Professor David Coggon, who chairs the MTHR, does have a disclaimer. The research does not discount that there might still be some negative effects on health that are caused the use of mobile devices, but they might have been too subtle to detect or will require longer than 11 years to surface. That might still be a scary possibility for some, given how much society has practically accepted these devices as part of modern life.
SOURCE: Telegraph