The Deer Hunter franchise actually has a long-ish history, spanning over eighteen years. The franchise has gone from one company to another within that period of time, where they churned out over twenty games. This year’s game, made by Glu Games, is Deer Hunter 2016, and it has just arrived at the Google Play Store.
Deer Hunter 2016 is a hunting game through and through. It puts you in the shoes of a hunter sent out on missions for trophy kills, so if you’re a bit iffy on killing animals (even virtually), you’ll probably want to skip this one. But for those who enjoy hunting, Deer Hunter 2016 will feel like home to you. The missions will send you to different locations, and there are a lot of creatures to kill.
Deer Hunter 2016 is a freemium game, so it has an energy gauge that empties one bar at a time as you spend energy on missions. If you are successful on missions, you can then upgrade your gun and other equipment. You need to keep upgrading so that you can move forward in the game.
The game is free to download, as we’ve mentioned, but there are IAPs that can give you better guns and equipment. Still, it will feel like an achievement to finish the game without spending for your gaming.
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store