CyanogenMod has just announced that they have kickstarted the build engines for the general release of version 10.1.3 of the popular Android custom ROM. The CyanogenMod 10.1.3 release marks the end of an era as the team moves away from the 10.1 branch towards CyanogenMod 10.2, which is based on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, and eventually to Android 4.4 KitKat as well.
The release candidate for CM 10.1.3 started rolling out in late August, with the last candidate going out on the first week of September. As mentioned in previous release notes, this version of CyanogenMod is based on Android 4.2.2 but includes a dash of SELinux configured in permissive mode, a feature that is entirely new in Android 4.3. Unfortunately, due to development time constraints, the Voice+ app, which lets users use any SMS app as a Google Voice interface, has been pulled out of the builds.
Making its debut this release is the new CyanogenMod Account provider, a new security system developed by the team as an alternative to Google‘s newly released Android Device Manager. Similar to Google’s tool, the feature allows locating and remotely wiping devices, but without the privacy concerns. But more than that, the CM Account will also serve as a launching pad for other security and privacy oriented features in the future.
The team doesn’t have an estimate when the release will be announced and which devices will be supported in this release. It will also be interesting to hear what the core team has planned for future releases now that CyanogenMod has incorporated itself into a company.
SOURCE: CyanogenMod