Of course, not officially, as it was just announced last night and said to be available within the next couple weeks, but a good XDA Developer will never let you down, right? For sure. So what they’ve done over there is no less than rip the APK for this new layout and make it available for everyone RIGHT THIS MINUTE. It currently only functions on stock Android 2.2 Froyo devices, and implements such features as a brand new lovely look and a 15 minute refund limit.
Take yourself a download over at Multiupload, and note that several folks over at XDA are having some issues with Cyanogen Mod 6.1, so watch out for that if you run such a system, and take a look at XDA Developers Forum for any tweaks and updates therin. And remember, if you have no idea how to run this sort of stuff, just chill, read some instructions over at XDA, or just wait like the rest of the non-hacker world has to to see the full new Android Marketplace official.
The official release will be sure to give you everything promised in [this] Android Developers update. They say there’ll be improvements to merchandising, streamlining of the browse-to-purchase experience, and developers are promised an easier path to distribution of their apps. There will be new categories and a super fun carousel of selections (a couple cats and the carousel can seen in the screengrab above), and more categories will be added “in the weeks ahead.” App details will also contain “related content” which will hopefully also improve app discoverability.
To streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, all information will not be available for an app on a single page instead of through tabs. To help developers manage their businesses more effectively, the refund window for returning apps if you are not satisfied has been reduced to 15 minutes. To improve developers ability to manage and distribute their product, support will be introduced for device targeting based on screen sizes, densities, and GL texture compression formats. Finally, the max size for APK files in the Marketplace will be increased to 50MB “to better support richer games.”
[Via Android Police]
This new update to my Eclair 2.1 is messing up the UI. It auto updated and now its hard to click the update button for my apps…. Wonderful. X10 Mini Pro 2.1 Eclair.
Just went out and went in to the market now and everything looked different! Looks cool and slick. Android 2.1 user
I bought a hauwei android friday.Went to the android market for apps and the apps say I have to download a flash player plugin from android market.I searched everywhere and cant find a flash player to download.I can view personal photos on FB and other things with out the flashplayer.Please help
Debbie – you are screwed. Return the Huawei.