New light has been shed on a sketchy side-by-side comparison photo Apple submitted as evidence in the court case that resulted in an injunction against Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in Europe. The photo, meant to demonstrate the similarity between the two tablets, shows a stretched photo of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, resulting in a much more similar appearance between the two tablets.
Apple’s filing for a preliminary injunction on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in a German court, effectively banned the Android tablet from being imported to all of Europe. An investigation by Webwereld.nl found modified photos of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 had been submitted to the court as evidence which gave the appearance of a much stronger similarity between Apple and Samsung’s devices.
Apple’s iPad 2 has an aspect ratio of 1.30, while the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has a noticeably wider aspect ratio of 1.46. In the image submitted, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was stretched to have an apparent aspect ratio of 1.36. 8% wider than the actual device, and much closer to the iPad 2. I won’t even start on the fact the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was displayed in vertical orientation (while horizontal is the default for Android tablets).
This new evidence could be a game changer, in Samsung’s favor. Since Apple was the only one able to submit evidence in the filing due to its nature, the truth of the evidence presented takes on particular importance. Hopefully this will lead to Europe getting the same awesome tablet we’re still allowed to enjoy over here.
[via SlashGear]
I’m sure that the evidence lines up when you wear the Apple Reality Distortion Goggles.
“flawed”? More like “fudged” or “tampered with”
Hmmm… Apple was the only party able to present evidence, evidence that was wrong, yet they got the injunction. BS! No injunction should have been granted without both parties presenting evidence and a third party corroborating our fact checking all evidence.
Hmmm… Apple was the only party able to present evidence, evidence that was wrong, yet they got the injunction. BS! No injunction should have been granted without both parties presenting evidence and a third party corroborating our fact checking all evidence.
The Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 is available in stores in The Netherlands beginning tomorrow, august 16th for € 479,-.
Apple creates. They do not innovate. Their business plan is to release an overpriced well marketed product, make incremental changes to the product which has a 1 year dev cycle, and then sue anyone who makes something better but similar to what they have.
And they wonder why they are number 2 in desktop sales and are soon to be number 2 in smartphones and tablets.
boo apple¬¬