If you often go on vacation with family or friends or travel with a certain set of people, sharing your digital memories can sometimes be a challenge. When the Facebook Moments app came on to the scene, it became quite a bit easier, specifically for pictures. But the latest update to the app now adds video sharing capabilities, so you don’t need to wait for your friend to upload a video to YouTube or email the file to you.

If you’re not familiar with the app yet, Moments groups photos on your smartphone based on when the pictures were taken. It then uses facial recognition software (the same one that Facebook uses for the main app) and then you can set it up so the app will sync those pictures with the friends who are in them, with the understanding they will do the same for you.

Previously, you could only do it with pictures. But the update now allows you to sync and share videos as well. You can add the videos to already existing moments or just create new ones. You can also now choose to have the app to upload photos and videos only when connected to WiFi, so you can save your data plan. The photos and videos in your moment can also now be viewed as a collage. Soon, you will also be able to include videos in your Moments slideshow.

Of course the update brings bug fixes and improvements as well. You can update your Moments app now from the Google Play Store page.



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