Another discovery about the new Samsung Galaxy S7 is about to be made public: the smartphone’s Bluetooth Low Energy stays on even when Bluetooth connectivity is turned off. There’s a feature called “Nearby device scanning” that lets you know if there are devices nearby. It’s actually a common function already but unfortunately, it affects the phone’s battery life.

The feature uses Bluetooth Low Energy but it stays on even after you turn off the Bluetooth. This means the feature continues to scan for devices. There’s a simple solution to this: just stop scanning, set a time limit, and never scan on a loop. An Android Developers’ page says to do those things because scanning for devices is really battery-intensive.

• As soon as you find the desired device, stop scanning.
• Never scan on a loop, and set a time limit on your scan. A device that was previously available may have moved out of range, and continuing to scan drains the battery.”

Scanning can be useful in many ways especially when it comes to sharing photos, videos, or any other files. A quick transfer between two devices can be easy, quick, and convenient but if you frequently use the feature on a Samsung Galaxy S7, make sure you follow the guidelines provided by Google.

If you want to use ‘Nearby device scanning’, you can still access this feature in these areas: Settings, Wireless and networks, More, and Nearby device scanning. Turn on the latter if you want to scan devices. Note that ‘Nearby device sharing’ is different from ‘Nearby device scanning’. The scanning function is new on the latest premium flagship phone so we won’t be surprised if there may be issues encountered.

VIA: SlashGear


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