It’s clear that CyanogenMod isn’t going to work with Microsoft. We also know that CM 12.1 rolled out to a number of devices. The community continues to improve on the platform by listening to feedback of other users and developers. For one, the Messaging app was recently redesigned with the suggestions of other devs in mind. One of the many features about to be updated is the Dialer/Contacts card.

The group is working on a new quick contact card that can be accessible from many apps like messaging, dialer, or email. The idea is to show an avatar and to open the contact card with a single tap. The CyanogenMod group has not fully deployed the project because they are still waiting for feedback and comments. This way, development will go more smoothly and less issues can be encountered. Two main objectives have been listed as to why they are revising the quick contact card:

1.) To construct a quick contact card that is beautiful and functional when images are low resolution.
2.) To allow for more than three operations to be displayed to the user without pressing the overflow menu.

The developers plan to blur the contacts image you see behind a smaller avatar portrait. There’s always the issue of low resolution images so it may be best if the feature works around such limit that is usually imposed by contacts services like Yahoo and Google.

To achieve the second goal, the contact actions will be relocated just below the avatars image. This way too, four actions can be shown per contact. Don’t be surprised if you see ‘block’ on the leftmost part as it is the least used action. The idea is to move the actions out of overflow menus.

Contact-Card-Android-Lollipop 3

The developers hope to hear from the community as soon as possible before they finally do the redesign. This one is said to be part of the nightlies when it’s ready to launch. For now, comments, feedback, and suggestions are very much welcome. Join the cyanogenmod group mailing list and send your feedback.

SOURCE: Cyanogenmod


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