Google has released the latest Android usage numbers. This latest is the September report which considers data from a 7-day period that ended on September 4. The usage has been detailed based on platform versions just as we have seen in previous months, however this latest report has arrived as the first without Donut and Eclair.

Android 1.6 Donut and Android 2.1 Eclair have both been removed as they can no longer be counted. Google has said these two versions do not support the newest Play Store app update and that “only the new app is able to measure the number of devices that actively visit Google Play Store.” Needless to say, Google did clarify that they “believe this measurement best reflects your potential user-base.”

That all aside, what we are seeing this time around has Jelly Bean sitting at 36.6 percent for 4.1.x and 8.5 percent for 4.2.x. That makes for a combined total of 45.1 percent. As a comparison, last month was showing a total of 40.5 percent for 4.1 and 4.2 combined.


Otherwise, the remaining numbers from this report break down as follows;

  • Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3-4.0.4) — 21.7 percent
  • Honeycomb (3.2) — 0.1 percent
  • Gingerbread (2.3.3-2.3.7) — 30.7 percent
  • Froyo (2.2) — 2.4 percent

In comparison, Ice Cream Sandwich along with Gingerbread and Froyo all dropped slightly. Honeycomb managed to stay the same, however with just 0.1 percent of the overall usage there really isn’t much to worry about. In fact, it seems as if Honeycomb and Froyo may be the next two versions to drop off the charts.

With that, some many notice the lack of Android 4.3. While that has already been announced and even released for Nexus devices — it has yet to take enough of a hold to make an appearance on the charts. Going further out and we are also beginning to look for Android 4.4 Kit Kat to appear. Of course, it will be some time before that happens as we have yet to even see any solid details in terms of when 4.4 will arrive on devices.

SOURCE: Google


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