Action Launcher is one of the Android world’s favorite launchers, as evidenced by it being chosen by a number of Android websites as one of the best Material Design apps out there, and one of the best Android launchers your phone can have. Developer Chris Lacy is a very diligent app owner and regularly puts out updates fixing bugs and such. Here we are again with a new update, a new version – Action Launcher 3.3 is out, and it’s bringing some new features your way.

First up, has embedded a new API for those who create live wallpapers, making sure that the Quicktheme feature of Action Launcher is accessible to these developers. What happens when this feature is accessed is that the theme color changes to match the dominant colors of the wallpaper. Pretty cool, really.


Also, there are new gestures and shortcuts to make life even more convenient for you as you use Action Launcher 3. Standout features like the Quickdrawer – which gives you instant access to all your favorite apps – are still there. The home screen’s visual indicators have also been updated to match Android 5.1.

Check out the whole changelog – it’s a long one – via the source link below. It’s a testament to the developer’s efforts to keep his app users happy. Download it via the Google Play Store – it’s free to try, but some of the nicer features are accessible through an IAP.

DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store
SOURCE: +ChrisLacy


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